qualified tourist guide in rome

qualified tourist guide in rome

qualified tourist guide in rome

Visiting Rome is a true experience to be lived once in a lifetime, Rome it’s like a vertigo indeed: history, beauty, art, all this is around you beside… lots of people who of course are living your same experience.

“Mens sana in corpore sano” the Ancient Romans knew that a healthy mind it is the synonymous of an healthy body, and which better exercise than walking? Walking in Rome keeps fit the body, keeps curious the mind…

The wine it is the best ambassador of the culture of a territory, it is not about the soil only, it is about the sun, the wind, the cultivation systems, it is about the rituals laying beyond the seasonal turn-over, it is about the passion that producers…

Individual Tours
Walking Tours of Rome
Wine Tours

Your time on vacation is so precious and valuable that you deserve the best of our time, dedication and attention, last minute is not the experience that you deserve, your time is our precious patrimony.

the expert fiamma passarelli

Let me introduce myself: I’m Fiamma your Qualified Tourist Guide in Rome, and I would like to take you through the history of the Eternal City, showing you the classical sites but most of all through Rome’s details! Be my guest: follow me!

off the beaten paths tours

Would you like trekking on the old cubbled stones, or exploring undeground sites, or visiting old noble palaces, or enjoying famous paintings in one of the hundreds of roman churches? Rome’s details will guide you through these customized experiences.

rome’s classic tours

Strolling around among the ancient ruins of the Roman Forum where Julius Caesar celebrated his triumph, or enjoying the rich Vatican Collection of art, or enjoying the baroque squares, becomes a true experience. Rome’s details will guide you through stories, legends, habits, so you will feel part of the Eternal City.

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